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 讲座题目:News Co-Occurrence, Attention Spillover and Return Predictability新闻并发、注意力溢出和回报可预测性

 报人:凃俊 副教授








内容摘要:We examine the effect of news-based information networks on stock returns.  We find that the Network News Co-Occurrence Index (NNCI) negatively predicts market returns with a monthly in-sample R2 of 5.97% and an out-of-sample R2 of 5.80%. A long-short co-occurrence-based portfolio generates a significant monthly alpha of 68 basis points. The results are robust to the inclusion of alternative attention-, sentiment-, and other news-based predictors, across recession and expansion periods. Co-occurring news generate significant increases in Google and Bloomberg search volumes, as well as in Edgar download activities. The findings are consistent with an investor attention spillover effect of information network and it results in stock market overvaluations, especially when arbitrage is limited.

主讲人简介: 凃俊,现任职新加坡管理大学李光前商学院金融学终身职副教授,博士生导师。2004年获得华盛顿大学金融学博士学位,并于同年加入新加坡管理大学李光前商学院。研究领域涉及行为金融,金融科技,文本分析和机器学习,金融计量,资产定价,投资者情绪,媒体和资本市场,资产回报预测,投资组合管理,公司金融等。其研究获得多个研究奖项,研究成果已经在顶级国际学术期刊上发表多篇学术论文,包括金融经济学杂志 (Journal of Financial Economics), 金融研究评论 (Review of Financial Studies), 财务定量分析杂志 (Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis),和管理科学 (Management Science)。凃俊教授也对中国金融问题 (证券, 人民币,及房地产等) 具有深入研究,发表了数篇有影响力的论文。凃俊教授还经常在国际会议上向业界领袖,学术专家,和政府官员宣讲自己的研究成果。